Good evening The 2012 Posts are a mite jumbled up. Please see the Bear With Me Note that I posted today.Hopefully, I have retrieved all the posts that I accidentally deleted . This makes many of the more recent posts show up under older posts. When I posted Sam Patch about a RR engine - like Sam- I got off track ,but think I am on the way back. Wish me luck Kitty
Showing posts from August, 2012
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Kitty Pierce

More from Rutty --Flooding from Lindley Presho Historical Society by Kitty Pierce Reminder ---you can learn what's going on in Lindley Town affairs by reading the Town Clerk's blog linked to this site under Favorites Links on this site- Town of Lindley(lower right corner) Megan posts Town Board Minutes ,announcements and new-a Calendar of meetings at Town Hall. Check it out -learn about what's happening at the Town Board,Planning Board Meetings,etc.. Photo is Toby's Flats-- flooding days before the Penna .dams were built in 1975. Last time Rutty told the story of a trucker crossing the Lindley bridge(see previous posts) When the water started to raise again Sunday,it rose rapidly and at midnight reached it's crest of 19.75 feet above flood stage.Those figures are from the U.S. Recording Gauge at Lindley. Thereafter it fell until seven o' truck was able to navigate and that word is used advisably with a slight amount of lit...
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Kitty Pierce

As stated on Painted Hills Historical and Genealogical Website from Lindley Presho Historical Society by Kitty Pierce Col ( Gen ) John Taylor or George Washington Taylor "Col (Gen) John Taylor moved to Steuben in 1797 {recorded in the 'Centenial History of Bath' }. Having served as commanding officer of the 4th Hunterdon Militia NJ, he like many others found after the war that their debts incurred in supporting their men in the field were called due, and with the loss of value of the Continental currency, were forced to sell everything they owned to pay off the debts. Faced with mounting debts, and left with no more possessions to sell, Col. Taylor left his home and moved north to Steuben with two of his children. Shortly after arriving, he married Mary Miller Lindsley, widow of a fellow NJ Militia officer, and lived in Lindley until her death in 1806. Although his grave or circumstances of his death are unknown, an obituary in the Geneva Gazette of 25 D...
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Kitty Pierce

More Dick Riffle Memoirs from Lindley Presho Historical Society by Kitty Pierce More Dick Riffle stories about families that lived on the south end of Lindley River Road now Co.Rt.116. In April,2011,I copied the story of his Aunt Grace's birthday party at her house. Up the road ,a short way was the Hugh Hakes place.I will always remember their place because one day I was delivering the GRIT newspaper(often called the "Pennsylvania Liar" because of the exaggerated stories). Their big German Shepard attacked me and tore some holes in my chest. I screamed and they came running out and called the dog off. My Dad took me to Doc'Long in Lawrenceville and he took a popsicle stick with some green salve on it and put it on my wounds. The pain was worse than the dog bite. Beyond the Hakes place lived the Dunning brothers. I don't remember much about them except their chickens were always in the road and getting run over. Charlie Hammo...
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Kitty Pierce
Lindley Honors Employees for Service from Lindley Presho Historical Society by Kitty Pierce Apologies for not posting a notice last week about a ceremony that was held last Saturday January 14th. at the Lindley Town Hall. The purpose of the ceremony was to recognize the long service time of several town employees who resigned in 2011. Rrecognized were - Guy Hill, Assessor Chairman; Pam (Clarkson) Smith, Deputy Town Clerk; Paul Stermer, Councilman; Herb Eldridge and Alan Neal ,Highway Department and Cindy Stermer ,Custodian. Later this year, Dick Johnson ,Highway Superintendent will be honored for his years of service. These employees had service time from 11 to 37 years. About 40 relatives and friends gathered to thank these dedicated and committed people for their services to the Town of Lindley. Unfortunately, many of those to be honored , were unable to attend . Hopefully,I can post a photo of Guy and Pam who were there as well as a photo of Richard Biggi...
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Kitty Pierce

Photo -Reunion At Presho House-(next door to Presho Methodist Church) from Lindley Presho Historical Society by Kitty Pierce News from Bi- State Press Lindley,NY April 13,1939 Published by W.Rutty Passmore ( a young house-bound Lindley resident assisted by friends and family)(Kitty) Three cents a single copy---75 Cents for six months--- $1.45 for 1 year ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES OF $135,OOO FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO TOWN ROADS IN STEUBEN Bath- the Board of Steuben County Supervisors at Bath Monday approved 26 projects of highway work. Such work is in 26 towns and the total estimate for the work is $135,000 to be paid from the WPA funds and county road monies. Of this amount, Lindley is allowed an estimated $4,000 for the grade and construction of the culverts on 1.28 miles of Church Creek Road. LINDLEY ITEMS Mrs. Leo Gorges, Mrs. Harlo Harris, Mrs. Harrison B. Toby, Mrs.Samuel Kittel and Mrs. Merle Smith met at the home of Mrs. Hugh Orcutt Tu...
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Kitty Pierce

Dick Riffle-The People of Lindley as I Knew Them 1922-1940 from Lindley Presho Historical Society by Kitty Pierce "We now come to the Ernest Lundgren home. the 3 oldest, Bob,John,and Hugh were good baseball players.Hugh and I played on the Lindley team together. The daughters were Ruth and Gertrude. The latter and I graduated from Lawrenceville High School in the Class of 1934. The summer of 2006, I met Hugh's son -Jim and had a good 2 hour visit with him. He showed me a number of his Indian artifacts he has found on his property. I,also, enjoyed a 2 hour visit with Elmer and Lucia Huels who lived a short distance from Jimmy's. Elmer's artistic skill in glass engraving is beautiful and fascinating." This ends Dick's memories of those who lived on the south end of River Road-now County Rt.#116 On the next visit with Dick (who will be 94 in May and who still shares Bits of Lindley History by both E-Mail and snail mail), will recal...
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Kitty Pierce

Does History Repeat Again??? from Lindley Presho Historical Society by Kitty Pierce Wellsboro,Pa March 8,1911 THE AGITATOR Some little excitement has been occasioned during the past few days to the finding of oil in the well being drilled by the Tioga Water Co.on their property on Park Hill.-although our people have none of them, so far as heard from, been carried away by the prospect of coming into immense fortune in a few days-as some newspaper reports would seem to indicate says the Tioga Argua(?). That oil has been found there is no denying and it is said that could it be separated from the water and the sand -the well would produce several barrels a day which confirms our belief of many years standing that oil exists in this immediate vicinity, but whether it can be tapped so as to produce paying quantities remains to be proven. This we understand ,will be tried , and it is hoped this time that the projectors will prove, as we believe they will h...
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Kitty Pierce

1940 Floods Part I from Lindley Presho Historical Society by Kitty Pierce Prior to the Corp of Engineer Dams in Tioga County , Pa floods were a common occurance in theTioga River Valley area. The following is a description of floods in Spring 1940. From the April 4th,1940 issue of the Bi State Press , ( Rutty Passmore Editor,) is an article pertaining to floods at that time.( Because it is a lengthy article, I am breaking it into parts.) Residents living in the area before the dams still have vivid memories of the "Flood Days" ( Notes in red are my additions ) TIOGA VALLEY CLEANS UP AFTER NEAR RECORD INUNDATION Several Thousand Dollars Damage Estimated after Rivers and Streams Return to Near Normal LINDLEY THRICE INUNDATED WITHIN WEEK Friday afternoon an ice jam started a short distance north of the Town of Lindley and soon extended to Lawrenceville, some 2 miles. the water soon went over the Susquehanna trai...
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Kitty Pierce

1940 Floods Part II Rutty Passmore from Lindley Presho Historical Society by Kitty Pierce SATURDAY MORNING was pale as the valley was blanketed with a thick fog arising from the cold water. It continued to cover the valley until the warm rains and the thawing weather dissolved the fog.The rain continued and the river began to rise again, by 7 P.M. it was over the road agin by the schoolhouse and by ten it was over the road between Lindley and Lawrenceville for the first time.Traffic continued for the next hour or so. South bound trucks used the * back road connecting Morgan Creek Road and the Susquehanna Trail along the base of the hill during the night with only a few using the road going north.( * road was near old State Line Camping ) The York- Buffalo Lines instructed their trucks to travel by way of Elmira until the danger passed. Water surrounded the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lawrence ( *Morgan Creek Road in the field across diversion ditch ...
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Kitty Pierce

Mother Nature Surprises from Lindley Presho Historical Society by Kitty Pierce The thermometer on the bank by Wegman's read 75 degrees at 2:30 this afternoon. Some different than the pictures of last year about this time. It is interesting to look back at the newspaper clippings that I save on the weather. On 3-13/14/1993- the area experienced a whopper of a storm. Our family has vivid memories -as our grandson and grand-daughter were here from Arizona to celebrate her eighth birthday. She had wished for snow. She had her wish and was snowed in for three days. "Be careful what you wish for- it may be more than you expect!!!" I couldn't copy the pictures on the Leader dated 3-15-1993 but the headlines read "DIGGING OUT Snow leaves entire area buried; crews may be plowing out all week." The brutal storm that blanketed the Southern Tier with nearly 2 1/2 feet of snow this weekend left...
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Kitty Pierce
Happy St. Patrick's Day 2012 from Lindley Presho Historical Society by Kitty Pierce What a wonderful day. Whether or not we are Irish, we can still enjoy the activities associated with the day. The photo was taken at the Philedelphia Flower Show in 2007. If you enjoy flowers and flower shows ,this should be on your to-do list. A few sayings as copied from the daily quotes in the Corning Leader this week. "The list of Irish saints in the past is counting; but in all there is no other figure so human ,friendly and lovable as St.Patrick -who was an Irishman only by adoption" "An Irishman is never drunk as long as he can hold onto one blade of grass to keep from falling off the earth." "When Irish eyes are smiling ' tis like a morn in spring . With a lilt of Irish laughter,you can hear the angels sing. " "My favorite- " May your pockets be heavy and may your hearts be light. Ma...
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Kitty Pierce
Lindley-Presho Historical Society Meeting from Lindley Presho Historical Society by Kitty Pierce The Lindley -Presho Historical Society will meet tomorrow Thursday March 24th 7 P.M. at the Lindley Town Hall. The program will be memories of attending school-especially Lindley one room schools. The program is free and open to the public. Those attending are encouraged to bring bring photos and or memorabiliaia from their school days. The photo is the Central School (#3 )in the hamlet of Lindley-near the NYS wetlands on Lindley Road. In the 1972 flood,the building was destroyed.
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Kitty Pierce

Donald and Dick Riffle to the Rescue from Lindley Presho Historical Society by Kitty Pierce Home of the George Riffle family on Morgan Creek Road in the 1940's. After the home burned,the property was acquired by the present Lindley Woodworks business. During Sunday evening, Donald and Dick Riffle known to all as Don and Dick rowed a boat to the home of Albert Lawrence and removed the family which was marooned. They made two trips ,the first trip to the house they returned with Mrs. Lawrence and sons Charles and Lewis. On their return to the house the second time, they removed all the furniture and movables to the second floor with the aid of Mr.Lawrence and Mr. Lawrence's father Albert Lawrence,Sr. and all left including the dog as the water was about to enter the house.Before the water receded,it was flowing about a foot deep thru the house. Water entered the Pruynes's Filling Station ( below the present Enderle home ) and ran about ...
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Kitty Pierce

Announcemments and Dick Riffle's Flood Memories from Lindley Presho Historical Society by Kitty Pierce s Thanks to Dennis Abbey for the great photo as costruction began on future I99 west of present U.S. Rt.15. As reference - former State Line Camping Buildings are in bottom left corner of photo. I understand those buildings will be removed for the bridge over Morgan Creek Road. On Thursday evening April 26, 7 P.M. at the Lindley Town Hall-the Lindley/Presho Historical Society will present a program in recognition of the 200th Anniversary of the War of 1812. Comments will be made about the 28 War of 1812 American Soldier's remains which were discovered in Canada in 1987. In 1988, these unknown soldiers were interred in the Bath,N.Y. National Cemetery. Other information will be given about the involvement of Steuben County and Lindley in this war. On Sunday May 20th, 2012 , 2 P.M at the Lindley-Presho Veteran's Monunment at the Lindley Town Hall--. ...
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Kitty Pierce

WWII Program from Lindley Presho Historical Society by Kitty Pierce John Biggio -(student) will share his school project a Powerpoint Presentation "A Look Back at WWII " with the Lindley -Presho Historical Society on Thursday May 24th at 7P.M. at the Lindley Town Hall. John spent considerable time and effort on his project and has some interesting information to share. Hopefully,there will be a large audience that evening to view John's program. Without a doubt, it will revive some stories and memories for many of the audience.
Please bear with me
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Kitty Pierce

Some of you will wonder what happened to the blog posting. In my attempt on a new computer to enlarge the Sam Patch article, I accidentally deleted all the 2012 postings. After worrying about losing them , spending some time looking and trying to find ways to recover them, I finally found them on Google Reader--- only to be baffled by how to get them back on the blog. Fortunately-son Dan who is computer wise rescued me and showed me how to copy and paste. It will take a couple days,but most of the posts will be back -if not in proper order. For an old lady who never wanted to learn how to use a computer- it just goes to prove old dogs can learn new tricks with the right teacher.. Thanks-Dan MOM The picture is an old "generic" Postcard
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Kitty Pierce

Armed Forces Day May 20th, 2012 -- Lindley,NY from Lindley Presho Historical Society by Kitty Pierce On Sunday-- May 20th The Tioga County Penna. Honor Guard will conduct their annual Armed Forces Day Ceremony in Lindley. The purpose of the ceremony is to honor past and present Military Personnel from the Lindley area for their contributions and service to our nation. The service is scheduled to begin at 2 P.M. at the Lindley Town Hall . Members of the Guard will raise the flags, and present a wreath at the Veteran's Monument. Following the Pledge to the Flag,Tracy Rumsey -Veteran and former Lindley Supervisor will give a short talk . After the Benediction, the Honor Guard will do a Ceremonial Riffle firing -followed by Taps. Refreshments will be served. The event is free and open to the Public. This ceremony is a way for the Lindley Community to thank all the local area Military members for their service to our country. If you know a Veteran or present...
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Kitty Pierce

Armed Forces Day 2012 from Lindley Presho Historical Society by Kitty Pierce Some catching up to do!! Since it is difficult to be in two places at one time-a very late but sincere Thank You to everyone who participated in the May 20th Armed Forces Day Ceremony honoring local Veterans. A special thank you to the Tioga County, Pa Honor Guard; Committee : Donna ( Pierce) Marmuscak, Jim Ball, Brenda Criss, Fran Tempel, Fran Woodring; the speaker Tracy Rumsey; and Town Officials : Gerald Simcoe, Supervisor, Kathy Biggio, Bookkeeper and Megan Thistle, Town Clerk. And to Brownies Mini Mart for helping with the refreshmments. On May 24th, 8th grader -John Biggio presented an interesting PowerPoint program on the Homefront during WWII for the Lindley -Presho Historical Society. Thank you, John. Your program brought back many memories of that time for many of us. Your efforts and time to research this topic was appreciated by those in attendance. ...
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Kitty Pierce

Dick Johnson to Be Honored from Lindley Presho Historical Society by Kitty Pierce Dick and Diane Johnson -Honored by Little League -April 2009 LINDLEY COMMUNITY PICNIC The public is invited to attend a community picnic in honor of Dick Johnson , former Lindley Highway Superintendent ,for his 37 years of dedication and commitment to the townspeople of Lindley. The picnic is being held on Saturday July 21st at 4:00 P.M. at the Presho Methodist Church on Indian Hills Rd. Hamburgers,hotdogs and drinks will be provided. Please bring a dish to pass. RSVP By Friday July 13th (-required for meat order ). Call Kathy Biggio at 607-259-6620 or Megan Thistle at 607-523-8816 ( Leave a message if necessary)
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Kitty Pierce

A Little Lindley Railroad History from Lindley Presho Historical Society by Kitty Pierce From "Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity 1789-1920 " by Uri Mulford (Descendant of Dr. Ezekiel and Nancy(Lindsley) Mulford--One of first families to settle in Lindley in 1790) Photo from 6/13/ 1954 Sunday Telegram One of the last NYC trains - near Leland Harris farm "Building of the Corning and Blossburg Railroad" The building and operation of railroads was "in the beginning. " In 1831 the first railroad in the State,and the second to be built in the United States ,was opened from Albany to Schenectady. The rudely constructed line demonstrated the advantages of the new means of communication. The Corning Company had surveys made and ascertained that a railroad could be constructed to the coal-region at Blossburg ,cheaper than a canal could be constructed ,and that coal could be brought to their docks on the bank of th...