
Showing posts from 2013

Happy New Year January 2013

2014  Greetings Happy New Year Another old postcard

Lindley Highway Garage Progress 1-5-2013 to 1-23-2013

  Jan 5,2013 Awaiting delivery of building material on 12-20-2013                                         Building material arrives-                                               construction starts Good weather assists in construction     Rebuilding the Lindley Highway Garage after the devastating fire on 1-5-2013 in  less than a year has been a challenge -so hats off to Marc Stocum and his highway crew; Jerry Simcoe, Town  Supervisor ; members of the Town Board and the Jones Construc...

Merry Christmas and a Happy 2014 New Year

Holiday 2013 Greetings From an old postcard

Comforts from Home for Civil War Soldiers -1861--(152 Years Ago)

Corning, NY Civil War Monument  November 11,2011 (Note:Camera date is a little ahead of the time) LITTLE COMFORTS FOR THE ARMY         Nothing makes a more refreshing and palatable drink for the sick than grape jelly and water.    At this season, when grapes are so abundant and so cheap, would it not be well for those who wish to add to the comforts of our military hospitals, to make a supply? The following is a recipe -       Wash the grapes thoroughly in cold water, separate them from the stems, and mash them  in an earthen vessel with a potato masher.     Then put them over a fire, and boil them twenty minutes. Strain them through a bag made of three thicknesses of white mosquito netting; to every pint of juice add one and a quarter pounds of sugar, and boil twenty minutes. Put in pint jars -china is the strongest; paste white paper over the top, then tie a piece of stro...

Before the Days of Antibiotics, Etc.

Clippings from Moore's Rural New Yorker- 1861 Ladies' Department  SORE THROAT, CURE FOR CROUP,ETC. Eds.  Rural New Yorker : As I have a few recipes which have been tried and pronounced good, I send them to you for publication.   REMEDY  FOR SORE THROAT- Take butter that is very salt and rub it on the throat and chest thoroughly, before going to bed. Two or three applications will effect a cure. We have had the throat distemper about pretty extensively this fall, and this has been the principal medicine.   TO CURE THE CROUP. The best way is to take a flannel cloth, dip it in water and put on the chest as hot as can be bourne, then take salt butter, spread on brown paper, and apply immediately. It is a very simple ,but invaluable remedy. APPLE PUDDING Line a basin with a crust prepared as for a biscuit ; pare,core, and quarter as many apples as will fill the basin; sprinkle some allspice over them, a little sugar, and a half cup of water.  Cov...

Rutty Passmore Newsletter Story -- April 4, 1940

                                         As mentioned previously in articles about Lindley floods in the 1940, Rutty was confined to his home due to health problems, and published a local newspaper. He resided on Morgan Creek Road and Mr. Ayres mentioned was his neighbor.   AN  INTERESTING COMPARISON OF TWO CONSECUTIVE WEEKS  This weekend just past saw a series of three stages of high water; the week before however was a vastly different. Allow us to show the comparison. Last week ,Mr. William R. Ayres went into northern part of the state and returned on Tuesday. We at the time asked him to write a short article on what he saw. However, it was not ready for last week's edition and we now find that it works out as well a week late as it gives an interes...


Also known as the Harrison House Old newspaper archives on line from the Green Library in Wellsboro, Pennsylvania are a great source of articles on Lindley History. Wellsboro Agitator  June 24,1896 Pg 3 That "marrying minister " at Lawrenceville boards the trains and tackles every young couple he sees. The gentleman with his red-ink business cards which offers meals and lodging as well as matrimony at cut rates, gets "left" very often when he thinks he is about to secure a job. Some young professional men from Wellsboro have recently been considerably embarrassed by the aforesaid preacher's solicitations when they happened to be conversing with young lady friends on the train. They think that they will be able to do their own 'proposing" when the time comes and arrange the details for their own weddings without the assistance of the "marrying minister". I neglected to note the date on the following There is much consolation to th...

1915 Lindley Farm For Sale

Tioga River Flats     From --NYS Annual Report of Department of Agriculture  1916 - 23rd year ending September 30,1915  Part II Vol.2 Town of Lindley Population 1,153 No 1136-Farm of 307 Acres; located 1/2 mile from Lindley P.O. R.D. No.2, and railway station on line of  N.Y.C. R.R.; 1/2 mile from school and churches ;1/2 mile from cheese factory ; 2 miles from milk station and condensing plant . Nearest city, Corning ,population 13,730,12 miles distant, reached by rail or good highway. General surface of farm ,70 acres of good river flats ,remainder rolling. Altitude 1,029 feet. nature of soil, sandy loam .Acres in meadow, 45; in pasture,  200; in timber, 60; oak and pine, estimated at 200,000 feet. Acres tillable 150. Fruit,10 apple trees. Best adapted to tobacco, alfalfa, hay, corn, oats, potatoes and wheat.  Fences ,wire and board, in good condition. House 12 rooms, fair condition. Outbuildings:  2 basement barns, 36x38; ...

Some Military Trivia for Veteran's Day

There are several Military  Veteran's uniforms in the Town of Lindley Historian's Collection. I don't recall what prompted the research (one of the uniforms may have the patch with it).  Anyway -looking for something for Veteran's Day in the files, I located this documentation.  It has been updated since I first found it on Google .  I imagine a Google search will show more information.   I enjoyed rereading it - especially the Hollywood connection !!!!!! Enjoy   Kitty   Copyright Â© Since 1988    Contact The American War Library Ruptured Duck (Honorable Discharge) References The information on this website is in the public domain. No permission is required to quote, use, distribute or republish.   Common Myths About The Honorable Discharge "Ruptured Duck" Lapel Pin (This Information Site is Continually Updated.) Click here for the official Ruptured Duck (Honorable Discharge) Issue Re...

Happy Birthday -Mike

Loren ( Mike) Morse 90 years young on November 9th, 2013 Let's all wish Mike -Lindley resident -World War II Veteran A Very Happy Birthday We hope you have a wonderful day with all your family .

Lindley-Presho Fire Department Members

1963  Members- Front Row Glenn Terwilliger, Elmer Huels, Dale Drake, Richard Pierce, Mike Morse  2013 & 1963  Members-Back Row Terry Hill, Curt Drake, Gary Kollhoff, Alonzo Toby, Bradley Drake, Blaine Toby, Harry Pierce (1963), Mary Jane Semple, Harold Semple, Randy Hill, Ed Parish, Sheldon Ward (1963), Howard McFall, Dylan Hill, Ed Hawkins   Thanks to all the past and present members of the Department for all their volunteer services to the Lindley Community for the past 50 years.   Thank You to all the members of the Department and to the Lindley  residents  who attended the 50th Anniversary Party for the Fire Department on Sunday October 27th. It was great to see so many in attendance .                 

Town of Lindley Events Updates

November 5th Election Ballot available for viewing The ballots are now available for viewing on the Board of Elections website.  You can go to  and click on 2013 General Election Ballots.   Each ballot is listed by town and district (if applicable).  The ballots are 2 sided as there are state, county and some local propositions on the back of the ballot. Steuben County Board of Election (P)  607-664-2261 (F)  607-664-2376  (new) Posted by lindleytc at 1:42 PM No comments: And update on Fire Department Party 50th Anniversary Party for the Fire Department YOU'RE INVITED!! The Lindley-Presho Historical Society is hosting a 50th Anniversary Party for the Lindley-Presho Volunteer Fire Department at the Lindley Town Hall, 637 US 15, Lindley, NY 14858, on Sunday, October 27th from 2:00-4:00pm.  Past, present and future Volunteer Fire Fighters will be honored...

(Dennis Abbey Photo) Scenic View of Lindley- from Rt.15 (To Be I99 )

  Thanks- Dennis for this great photo-taken from Sawyer Road

Vacancy on Lindley Town Board

Letters of Interest being accepted to fill vacant Town Board seat NOTICE: The Lindley Town Board is accepting letters of interest to fill a position on the Lindley Town Board due to an early vacancy.  This position is for the remainder of 2013.  Applicants should include why they would like to enter into public service.  Letters of interest will be accepted through Friday, October 18th.  The Town Board will review and appoint a qualified applicant Wednesday, October 23rd at 7:00 pm at the Lindley Town Hall.  Please mail or submit letters to the Lindley Town Clerk's office, Lindley Town Hall, 637 US 15, PO Box 62, Lindley NY  14858. By order of the Lindley Town Board 10/9/2013 607-523-8816

A Great Day in the Town of Lindley,N.Y.

Dignitaries at Rt.15  Ribbon Cutting Ceremony 10/8/2013 A view of Lindley,New York  from the new 4 lane Route U.S.15 (Note no exit at Lindley hamlet)   Ribbon cutting ceremony October 8,2013  -11A.M on Northbound Lane of  Route 15  (Town Of Lindley) -(someday to be I 99 )    Today was a beautiful day for the long awaited opening of 4 lanes of traffic through the Town of Lindley N.Y .          This project has been discussed since plans were made to extend the 4 lane highway to Presho, N.Y. from Painted Post. (That section of the project was completed in 1970- if I recall correctly.)           In 1997, Pennsylvania and New York authorities started discussions to continue the 4 lane highway from Presho all the way to Williamsport, Pa. and beyond.  Today -marked the end of 16 years of plannin...

Save the Date

Lindley Fire Station  October 1963 Lindley Fire Station  2002 Sunday October 27 2-4 P. M. Lindley Town Hall Plans are underway to honor former and present Volunteer members of the Lindley-Presho Fire Department for 50 years of service to the Lindley community.  Lindley Residents, friends, neighbors and the public are invited to attend and share in recognizing the Fire Department  members for their contributions to the community. Please check back for more details.   

More Lumber City School Photos

An early photo of students 1958 Photos  of other Lindley Schools and students are on display in the Lindley Town Hall. When known, names of the  students are attached.   The Birth of Education in One Room Country Schools December 2005 by Ian G. Mackenzie states" the former schoolhouse( Lumber City School) was built about 1865 on the Ryers Creek Road. The property was bought by Percy King ( *** after CPP Consolidation) who sold the building which was moved to Thurston and used as a garage. The school name was chosen because in the 1800's a small community existed at that location, -known as Lumbertown-so named because of the intense activity in the area." The lumber company of Fox-Weston-Bronson is shown next to the school  on the 1873 map of Lindley. More on this topic later.    If you have a photo of old Lindley schools or student groups not on display, I would be happy to add them to the Historian files...
                The Lindley-Presho  Historical Society will meet on Thursday September 26th, 2013  7 P.M. at the Lindley Town Hall. The program will be Fox-Weston-Bronson Lumber Company and the Connection to the John P. Ryers’ Estate map. (John P. Ryers died in 1839). The area shown on the map is one fourth of the Town of Lindley (the Northeast Section) which Colonel Lindsley had sold to John Ryers of Staten Island,N.Y. in 1792.       Included in the holdings of the lumber company was Lumber City on Ryers Creek .  Can you find a relative in this photo??      

NYC&H Postcards

The NYC & H RR is shown going from Corning, NY.  to Wellsboro to Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania on the previous blog. At the present time, the rails have been removed from Wellsboro to Jersey Shore.  The roadbed along Pine Creek and Pennsylvania Grand Canyon is a hiking and biking trail. Another less known attraction is the Ole Covered Wagon that is a guided tour along the route. .

Lindley's RR History

Corning Blossburg RR and the Erie RR Connection  1988 -and Harris Barns. The Corning -Blossburg Railroad (now Corning -Wellsboro ) was one of the first rail systems in this area-1839 . I have been corresponding with a descendant of John Magee (who was heavily involved in the early CBRR.) From its early beginnings to the present, this little RR has had a fascinating history. Rather than try to tell the story here, check out a website maintained by the descendant at  .   And thanks Dan for alerting me to your website and the story, photos,etc of one of the earliest and still running railroads in this region. Kitty      
       Section of I 99 to Open   I99 Updates and traffic flow changes as of August 21, 2013 Please note that there is now a stop sign at the end of the Presho Bridge onto Indian Hills Road.   Also, Southbound Traffic onto I99 is scheduled to begin Thursday, August 22nd, barring any delays. Local Southbound Traffic onto old Route 15 will be diverted from the Presho overpass onto Indian Hills road,  past the Presho Cemetery and along onto Hovey Road (formerly a dead end road). This will open onto Northbound Old Rt 15.  Please stop at the stop sign before crossing and continuing southbound on Old Rt 15.  Thank you and use caution as you adjust to these traffic flow changes As taken           looking   South   March 9th, 2013              ...

Newtown Battlefield Event

Saturday, August 24 & Sunday, August 25, 2013 9am-4pm both days - Adult admission is $5 Chemung Valley Living History Center's The Battle of Newtown Revolutionary War Event Stop by for the re-enactment of the historic 1779 Battle of Newtown and a military court martial, then visit the camps, talk to the re-enactors, and buy goods from 18th and 21st century merchants! Newtown Battlefield State Park - just off I-86 2346 County Road 60 Elmira, New York 14901 For more info about the event, please visit the website .     Washington Monument

Public Hearing Notice August 26,2013 7 P.M.

Lindsley Coat of Arms The Town of Lindley Planning Board will hold an informational meeting August 26th -7 P.M. at the Lindley-Presho  Fire Hall This is an opportunity for Lindley residents to meet members of the  Planning Board and learn about their work.    Please see the Town of Lindley Blog for more information under Town of Lindley in the column on the right side of this blog  or google Hope to see you there Kitty-Town of Lindley Historian

The Old Country School

        Stowell Hill  Lindley District 6   *  Today's educators may look with scorn on the old country school, but there a lot of us today's Sr. citizen group who got their first introduction to the 3R's in just such a place.         They called our neighborhood school the Willowdale school, and it had been there a long time when I ventured through the front door at the age of 5 and left at the age of 11 for high school.  It had none of the comforts of today's overdone classrooms-it was the typical one room school; no insulation, no store windows, tall windows on three sides of the room, a heatrola stove sat in the middle with its stovepipe stretched clear to the back of the room into the outside chimney. It was a nice looking stove, but its heating ability left much to be desired. I wonder how we kept from freezing, then I remember the long winter underwear, the flannel petticoa...

Joshua Mersereau buried in Presho Cemetery-Lindley,NY

( A clipping from a Staten Island newspaper)   This is just one of the Revolutionary soldiers buried in the Town of Lindley Cemeteries. In the Lindsley Burying Ground are Col.Eleazer Lindsley-(founder of the town ) and 2 of his son-in-laws who also served. Dr.Ezekiel Mulford and Captain John Seelye. (The exact location of  Col. Lindsley or Captain Seelye graves are not known.)  A new marker for Col.Lindsley was placed in the cemetery in 1990 Lindley Bicentennial celebration by the Heritage Days Committee. Both Col. Lindsley and Joshua Mersereau have been inducted into the Steuben County Hall of Fame. Joshua's portrait is on display in the Military Room in the Tioga County,Penna. Museum in Wellsboro,Pennsylvania              

1889 Flood Article Along Old Rt15

Photo from William Burr's  Lindley History 1951 The road on the south close to the white building (Hill's Store) is Morgan Creek Road. The arrow is pointing to Mr.Burr's home -in vicinity of Caroline Drive.   +Although article is dated 1949, it is  describing much of  the area around the Lindley bridge in 1889.  It ,also, mentions how many of Lindley's old records were lost. Until the Corp of Engineer Dams were built in 1975/6 (after the 1972 flood), flooding was a common occurrance in this area.