OOPSs too late

A couple weeks ago -Larry Gorges (former Lindley resident ) sent photos of an Osprey nest on an electric pole on Lindley road just south of the new Lindley bridge. He was surprised that NYSEG hadn't removed it -or that they hadn't been electrocuted . Letter to the Editor in Leader today 5/3 states that NYSEG removed it 3 days after he took the photo. So now our Osprey family will be without a home this summer -or maybe they will find a nice tree or pole in our wildlife santuary( ???? )at the Wetland's pond at the North end of Lindley Road by the boat launch.
Beaver have moved into the pond and maybe the birds will outwit man and find a new nesting place. The letter said NYSEG was(is) supposed to supposed to erect a perching pole for the family .
Let's hope....


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