Lindley Fairview Cemetery

The photos are in reverse order of what I had planned- Oh well !! A little history -- During the past several years the Town of Lindley has been in the process of assuming the responsibility of the Fairview Cemetery for a variety of reasons -#1 being the lack of funds by the Cemetery Association to maintain the cemetery and #2 health problems for some of the long time volunteers. A productive discussion was held at the June Town Board meeting to discuss ways to assist the Town in maintaining the appearance of the Cemetery that would appease some of the lot owners. As of today -the cemetery has been mowed for the 4th of July -I am assuming by Rudy Jaubik and his landscaping crew who held the mowing contract. The old flags left as guides last fall to assist the volunteers who would put them out in 2011 have been replaced by Tom Loughridge and Dick Pierce. The cemetery looks great as you can tell from the photos. Many thanks to the mowers for a great job and to Dick and Tom for their hour...