
Showing posts from November, 2013


Also known as the Harrison House Old newspaper archives on line from the Green Library in Wellsboro, Pennsylvania are a great source of articles on Lindley History. Wellsboro Agitator  June 24,1896 Pg 3 That "marrying minister " at Lawrenceville boards the trains and tackles every young couple he sees. The gentleman with his red-ink business cards which offers meals and lodging as well as matrimony at cut rates, gets "left" very often when he thinks he is about to secure a job. Some young professional men from Wellsboro have recently been considerably embarrassed by the aforesaid preacher's solicitations when they happened to be conversing with young lady friends on the train. They think that they will be able to do their own 'proposing" when the time comes and arrange the details for their own weddings without the assistance of the "marrying minister". I neglected to note the date on the following There is much consolation to th...

1915 Lindley Farm For Sale

Tioga River Flats     From --NYS Annual Report of Department of Agriculture  1916 - 23rd year ending September 30,1915  Part II Vol.2 Town of Lindley Population 1,153 No 1136-Farm of 307 Acres; located 1/2 mile from Lindley P.O. R.D. No.2, and railway station on line of  N.Y.C. R.R.; 1/2 mile from school and churches ;1/2 mile from cheese factory ; 2 miles from milk station and condensing plant . Nearest city, Corning ,population 13,730,12 miles distant, reached by rail or good highway. General surface of farm ,70 acres of good river flats ,remainder rolling. Altitude 1,029 feet. nature of soil, sandy loam .Acres in meadow, 45; in pasture,  200; in timber, 60; oak and pine, estimated at 200,000 feet. Acres tillable 150. Fruit,10 apple trees. Best adapted to tobacco, alfalfa, hay, corn, oats, potatoes and wheat.  Fences ,wire and board, in good condition. House 12 rooms, fair condition. Outbuildings:  2 basement barns, 36x38; ...

Some Military Trivia for Veteran's Day

There are several Military  Veteran's uniforms in the Town of Lindley Historian's Collection. I don't recall what prompted the research (one of the uniforms may have the patch with it).  Anyway -looking for something for Veteran's Day in the files, I located this documentation.  It has been updated since I first found it on Google .  I imagine a Google search will show more information.   I enjoyed rereading it - especially the Hollywood connection !!!!!! Enjoy   Kitty   Copyright Â© Since 1988    Contact The American War Library Ruptured Duck (Honorable Discharge) References The information on this website is in the public domain. No permission is required to quote, use, distribute or republish.   Common Myths About The Honorable Discharge "Ruptured Duck" Lapel Pin (This Information Site is Continually Updated.) Click here for the official Ruptured Duck (Honorable Discharge) Issue Re...

Happy Birthday -Mike

Loren ( Mike) Morse 90 years young on November 9th, 2013 Let's all wish Mike -Lindley resident -World War II Veteran A Very Happy Birthday We hope you have a wonderful day with all your family .