Lindley-Presho Historical Society Meeting

The Lindley -Presho Historical Society will meet tomorrow Thursday March 24th 7 P.M. at the Lindley Town Hall.
The program will be memories of attending school-especially Lindley one room schools. The program is free and open to the public.
Those attending are encouraged to bring bring photos and or memorabiliaia from their school days.
The photo is the Central School (#3 )in the hamlet of Lindley-near the NYS wetlands on Lindley Road. In the 1972 flood,the building was destroyed.


  1. Kitty, Thank you for your fine work. I attended Lindley 3. I seem to recall that in it's early days, it included a high school --thus the reason for its having two rooms. I grew up just across the river from the school. Dad's deed spoke of the ford in the river (which I crossed in ankle-deep water many times), even though there were deep holes just south and also just north (known as the Koplin hole). Our place was purchased in 1940 from the Koplin estate. Mrs. Clineberg (more recently the the Bronson farm, was a Koplin girl). I remember the Clinberg estate sale circa 1941. The little building we rented was an early (first?) Lindley post office -- a logical site with the old NYC depot and stock yards by the RR crossing and bridge as well as the "road" being our driveway! Dick still owns that little (stockyard) field by the bridge, doesn't he? Before my time, I think I recall there was a "hotel" on the east side of the crossing. When we moved to Lindley in 1940 the Allens owned that property from our drive way to the crossing (later the Hodge home and the south parcel was sold off for John Seymor's the crossing).
    Always, THANK YOU for all your fine work. Ellis


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