Donald and Dick Riffle to the Rescue

Home of the George Riffle family on Morgan Creek Road in the 1940's. After the home burned,the property was acquired by the present Lindley Woodworks business.
During Sunday evening, Donald and Dick Riffle known to all as Don and Dick rowed a boat to the home of Albert Lawrence and removed the family which was marooned. They made two trips ,the first trip to the house they returned with Mrs. Lawrence and sons Charles and Lewis. On their return to the house the second time, they removed all the furniture and movables to the second floor with the aid of Mr.Lawrence and Mr. Lawrence's father Albert Lawrence,Sr. and all left including the dog as the water was about to enter the house.Before the water receded,it was flowing about a foot deep thru the house. Water entered the Pruynes's Filling Station (below the present Enderle home ) and ran about four to six inches deep on the floor of the Lee H. Buckley General Store (located at west old iron bridge by former Crandall house) . Most of the cellars of the community flooded and most of the barns and chicken coops flooded. One man who had to move his chickens two nights running sorrily wished that he had purchased ducks instead of chickens when he had the opportunity -sometime ago.
The tractor of Albert Lawrence was washed from behind their house to the road in front of their house-one hundred to one hundred and twenty feet.
Water entered the Ayer's Woodworking Shop (house on corner of present Caroline Dr and Morgan Creek Rd.) and forced Mr. Ayers and a number of men to remove the machinery,mostly electric -powered to the second floor as well as considerable valuable lumber used in his cabinet making work.Water entered the district No.3 school and therefore school was not held on Monday.Needless to say, the high school students could not go to school Monday at Corning due to the unsafe and inaccessable roads.
Next Dick Riffle( now a resident of Washington State and who will celebrate his 94th birthday in May) will tell about how he and his brother helped the Lawrence family in this flood.


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