1940 Floods Part I

Prior to the Corp of Engineer Dams in Tioga County, Pa floods were a common occurance in theTioga River Valley area.
The following is a description of floods in Spring 1940.
From the April 4th,1940 issue of the Bi State Press, ( Rutty Passmore Editor,) is an article pertaining to floods at that time.( Because it is a lengthy article, I am breaking it into parts.) Residents living in the area before the dams still have vivid memories of the "Flood Days" ( Notes in red are my additions)
Several Thousand Dollars Damage Estimated after Rivers and Streams Return to Near Normal
Friday afternoon an ice jam started a short distance north of the Town of Lindley and soon extended to Lawrenceville, some 2 miles. the water soon went over the Susquehanna trail at the Lindley District No. 3 schoolhouse ( just south of present wetlands) and by midnight large ice cakes were floating across the highway on four feet of water. Naturally, all traffic to the North of Lindley on the main highway was halted ,although before it was several cars were stranded in the water and were hauled out by usually generous thinking truck drivers on through routes. ( Before 1953, U.S. Rt.15 followed the Tioga River from the "Rocks" to the present Kuhl Road. This is now the "Lindley Road")
One case has a slightly humorous angle. One car containing two men was stranded in the water and the two men soon settled down to the resolve to spend the night in their car and seemed perfectly contented and satisfied to smoke cigarettes througth out the night's vigil. However, after about an hour an extremely large and ponderous ice cake floated by just in front of their car and the car lights illuminated it its fullest. The two men instantly lost their resolve to spend the night there and set up such a holler on their auto horn that a truck ,which had intended to spend the night at the edge of the water hauled them out.
The water continued to rise and soon the situation took on a serious aspect as there were no signs that the jam would pass on or the rising water abate. Town ,County and State employees responded to calls and plans were underway to blast the jam loose when the ice seemingly hearing the whisper of its destruction decided on suicide and broke up and passed on leaving much water on the flats ansd ice stacked in the highway in some spots in piles of four or five thick. One Bell telephone pole was all the real damage done and that was just knocked slant but not suffiicient to disrupt communication.

I think this is near the Toby farm along the river (Donor and date unknown)
Part II to be continued- The Rain Comes


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