Lindley-Presho Historical Society Meeting March 11, 2015

Durland Weale  - giving a program -  "Growing Up in Lindley "
 The Lindley- Presho Historical Society will come out of hibernation on
  Wednesday March 11,2015   7 P.M  at the Middletown (Addison ) Museum at 41
 Main Street---Addison,N.Y.
 The meeting is free and open to the public.

     The guest speaker will be Lindley’s own native son –Durland Weale.
 Durland who grew up in Lindley is a member of the LPHS. He has donated
 several items to the Lindley Historian files and has presented several
 interesting programs at our meetings.  As one of our few remaining
 “youngsters of his generation”, he has been very helpful in adding to the
 Lindley History files.

    The topic of his program on the 11th will the Depression Years in
 Addison. (*the Great depression occurred after the collapse of the stock
 market on October 29th,1929 and was known as” Black Tuesday “. It affected
 the United States and the World Economy.) (*Ref. announcement in Addison
  Post February 28, 2015.)

 If you haven’t visited the Middletown Museum ( in Addison ) and enjoyed
 their exhibits, this will be a great opportunity to see it and to hear
Durland’s   memories of Depression Days.  Without a doubt , the effects in
 Addison were, also, felt by  Lindley residents.
                                     Hope to see you there .  Kitty


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