A Short History of Milvau ** Inn-Lindley,N.Y.


July 2001
February 2015
 An obituary found in my mother's newspaper clippings :     ?-?- 1941

                                                          Arlus W. Carpenter
"Lawrenceville, Pennsylvania
             Arlus Wesley Carpenter 72 ,died suddenly Saturday afternoon at his home Milvan Inn, Lindley.
              He was born in New Hudson, Allegheny County, November 20, 1869, the son of Willis and Harriet (Vaughn ) Carpenter.
              Mr. Carpenter's early life was spent near Cuba, New York where he acquired several farms and which he has always been interested in.
             For a time, he was engaged in shipping race horses and with his brother was engaged in the cheese business in Allegheny and Steuben Counties.
             Mr. Carpenter came to Lawrenceville in1898 and established a cheese factory over the line in Lindley which he operated several years; Later reconstructing the building into the hotel Milvan Inn, named for his two children. He has conducted the inn together with a filling station for many years.
              Mr. Carpenter was married  in Wellsville to Miss Velma L. Dexter and soon after took up their residence in Lawrenceville. They have lived in Lindley Township for 30 years.
               Survivors include his widow, one son Vaughn D. Carpenter and one daughter Mildred N. Carpenter both at home.  The undertaker in charge, Mr. Pettit is a grandnephew.
                The funeral will be held from the late home Tuesday morning at !! o'clock. Dr. Chester A. Feig ,pastor of the Lawrenceville,Presbyterian Church will officiate. 
burial was to be at Black Creek, Allegheny County."
    ***I have always heard the hotel called Milvau  and the sign on the old postcard is definitely Milvau  which it would be if  named after the children  Mildred and Vaughn as stated in the obituary. Kitty

In 2000, the hotel was named Cowanesque Hotel and was owned by Howard C.  Cushman. (Attached article )

In recent years, the name was changed to Lindville.  In February, 2015, a real estate  for sale sign can be seen.


  1. I am a surviving member of the Carpenter family who originated from Pennsylvania, then to Ohio. This is a bit of history that I will save to my Ancestry information. Thank you for your contribution. Sincerely, Marsha.


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