I Didn't Know That

If the readers are keeping abreast of Town of Lindley news on the Lindley Town Blog (see link on this site), they are aware of the issue of electing a town official vs one being appointed by the Town Board .
In response to a question that I was asked about voting, I went to the present day form of the Encyclopedia - GOOGLE - for some information. Hopefully, I can copy an interesting fact sheet posted by a Chenango County,NY site. http://www.Co.Chenago.N.Y.USelections/interestingfacts.pdf
Some I remember from high school American History class -(we won't say how many eons ago-)and some was startingly new to me-especially the one vote numbers.
Since this is a local election year in New York State , I hope to pass the facts along so you can impress your friends and relatives with some new facts.

Over the years, U.S. citizens have worked hard to extend voting rights to everyone.
1787 - When the Constitution was written, only white men age 21 or older who
owned property could vote.
1807-1843 - During these years, the states changed their rules so that all white men
age 21 and older could vote – not just those who owned property.
1870 - The Civil War led to the 15th Amendment to the Constitution. This
amendment guaranteed the right to vote to all men age 21 and older,
regardless of race or ethnic background.
1920 - The 19th Amendment gave women age 21 and older the right to vote.
1964 - With the 24th Amendment, states could no longer make people pay to
vote in national elections.
1971 - The 26th Amendment lowered the voting age to 18.
Congress and the courts have also ensured that no literacy, language or other tests
can keep citizens from voting. The right to vote is precious – and it deserves to be
1645 – ONE VOTE gave Oliver Cromwell control over England.
1776 – ONE VOTE GAVE America the English language instead of German.
1845 - ONE VOTE brought Texas into the Union.
1849 - ONE VOTE caused Charles I of England to be executed.
1866 - ONE VOTE saved President Andrew Johnson from impeachment.
1875 - ONE VOTE changed France from a monarchy to a Republic.
1876 - ONE VOTE gave Rutherford B. Hayes the Presidency of the U.S.
1923 - ONE VOTE gave Adolf Hitler leadership of the Nazi Party
1941 - ONE VOTE saved Selective Service just weeks before Pearl Harbor.
(The right to vote is a precious gift in the United States. Be sure to use it, so we don’t
lose it!)
Remember to exercise your rights to vote -"Like muscles if you don't use them,you lose them.."


Ps This copied well from the original ,but blog has away of changing the sentence structure .I wasn't able to correct it.


  1. From someone who knows how much one vote matters; I loved this article. Maybe it should be published in the local papers before the next primary/general election - for the benefit of all voters and candidates.
    Great job, Kitty.


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