Excerpts from Corning and Vicinity by Uri Mulford

While answering a genealogical query,I found the following items in Uri's book. Chapters 35-64 are labeled . Events in Corning,Marriages from 1855-1921. One chapter is a list of local Civil War Veterans.

Page 436 August 9th,1910 "William C. Campbell,aged 73 years ,died August 10,1910 at his home on East Erie Avenue.He served in the Civil War as a member of Company I 141st New York Volunteer Infantry. He was the great grandson of Col.Eleazer Lindsley,founder of the Lindley colony."
"August 15,1910 James Orr aged 84 years died.He was for many years prominent as a lumberman and farmer of the Town of Lindley,later engaging in business in Painted Post."
Page 441 April 7th,1913 " while assisting to run a portable saw-mill ,on the former Methodist campground at Presho ,Fred Weaver ,age 50 ,fell against a circular saw and his body sawn so he soon died."

Page 473 " At Northside High School ,Tuesday evening June 25,1918" Listed among the graduates were names that I recognized as Lindley residents -- Richard Stowell, Irene S. Riffle


  1. Hello! I stumbled upon this site while doing some research. I cannot answer your question to where the campground was but I can tell you that Fred Weaver was my great-great grandfather. I can add a small amount of information to this excerpt; his son, my great grandfather, witnessed the horrific incident.
    I must thank you, until this very moment my family and I were under the impression that Fred Weaver was working at a sawmill (not a portable one)when this occurred.

    1. We are pleased to know that the blog information added to your family history.
      You may want to check with volunteers at the Corning Library who can check the old Corning newspaper archives for an article. Much of the information in Uri Mulford's book was taken from newspapers written prior to his publishing the book in 1920.
      I have,also, found that the Green Library in Wellsboro,Pa has old newspaper archives on line and have found numerous articles pertaining to Lindley history in them.
      Ref. campground - Before she died, one of the Lindley residents told me that the campground was located across the RR tracks from the Presho RR depot. This would be in the vicinity of what is now called the Lateral Road. At that time,it was common practice for church groups to erect tents during the summer and have week long or longer meetings for the community.
      On the November 2011 blog ,there is a photo of the Presho RR depot.
      Kitty -Lindley Historian

  2. Thank you for the additional information! Coincidentally, my paternal side of the family is from Wellsboro (going back many generations) and I'm so excited to take a look at their library's archives and doing additional research.
    I spoke with my grandmother this morning. She grew up in the Lindley-Presho area and said she knew exactly where the campground was but couldn't be very specific in relaying details to its location as, though I am fairly familiar with the area, what she was referencing was unfamiliar to me so I'm happy to hear you've since learned where it was.
    Once again, thank you!

  3. Good Afternoon.
    The area in question would be on the northeast side of the Presho Bridge between The Tioga River and the Corning-Wellsboro RR.
    Since becoming Town Historian, I started a genealogical file on Lindley families. (How can you know the town's history if you don't know the family histories.) If you would like to add a copy of your family to the files for those who may be researching the family in the future , I will be pleased to add it.
    You can send a copy via e-mail to the address listed under my profile on this site or to
    Town of Lindley Historian
    Lindley Town Hall
    637 U.S. Rt.15
    Lindley,NY 14858
    Since you have family connections to Wellsboro ,you will enjoy the Library Newspaper Archives. Also, the Tioga County Historical Society in Wellsboro has a super Genealogical Library.
    Happy Hunting

  4. From Uri Mulford's book Corning ,Vic,etc. pg. 357
    Sunday August 15,1877
    " Thousands were in attendance at the Methodist Camp meeting held in the forest near the Fallbrook Station at Presho. There were about 40 tents in the Camp. The novel summer outing continued for a week with preaching services three times a day ,each closing with an altar -rally. Minor or group meetings were frequent early morning and evenings.


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