Honoring Lindley's WWII Veterans

Dedication of Town of Lindley's Veteran's Monument  Oct. 2007

Fallen Heroes WWII

 Robert Blackman                      U.S. Army                            KIA

 Ivan Jones                                 U.S..Army Air Force           Non Battle

Robert  Smith                             U.S. Army  Inf.                    KIA

Donald Walch                             U.S. Army Air Force          KIA    

Prisoner of War   

Loren (Mike ) Morse 

Mike's photo is one of those flying in  City Corning's display of Veteran photos. 
Are there others? 

These are names that I have on file that have had any type connection to the Town of Lindley.  (born here, resided here, married  a Lindley resident, raised family here, buried here. .Probably some missing or errors so please let me know if there are  corrections or  names missing . ( My thought is that at least  the name is on file here and may have been missed somewhere else. )

Adler, Bernard
Allen, Clyde
Allen, Elmer D. Jr.
Allen ,Glenn
Allyn, Girdon
Bakeman, Richard
Ball, Herman   (Stub)
Ball, William
Ball, Donald
Barker, Harold
Blackman, Robert
Bronson, Clayton
Bronson, Daniel
Bronson, George
Bronson, Glenn
Bronson, Linwood
Bronson, William
Brown, Loren
Brown, Merritt
Burlingame, Joe
Butler, Robert M.
Church, Henry  Burton
Clark, Delbert
Clearwater, Chester 
Clearwater ,Verne
Crandall, Elmer
Dodge, Emory
Earl, Leroy -Allison  
Fee, Jerry
Felker, Ivan
Ferry, Robert
Forbes, Herbert
Goodrich ,David 
Gray, Harry
Hart, Elwood  (Red)
Hartman, Donald
Heffner, Francis  J. Sr.
Hersman, Norval
Hill, Ivan
Holton, Lawrence
Hopkins, Richard B.
Huggins, Dick
Humphrey, Doug
Humphrey, Rick
Hovey, Wilber
Huff, James
Hurd, Murel
Jones, Ivan
Kennedy, Jack
King, Richard
Knapp, Floyd
Kuhl, Elwyn
Larrison, Elwyn
Leonard, Raymond
Leroy, Francis
Leroy, Stanley
Lundgren, Hugh
Mac Millen, Charles
Mayer, Edward
Maynard, Joe
Miller, Kenneth
Miller, Lawrence
Miller, Loren 
Moore, Robert
Morse, Loren   (Mike)
Morse, Wendell 
Mortzheim, Joe
Muffly, William
Nichols, Robert
Norwood, Oliver F.
Orr, Leland
Partridge, James W.
Pease, Gerald
Peters, Quincy N.
Piersons, George
Pratt, Ernest
Quill, Lewis
Randall, Chester
Randall, Donald M.
Rhodes, Ernest
Rhodes, William
Riffle, Ivan
Rose, Marguerite
Rouse, Rodney,
Russell, David
Schooley, Ernest
Simmons, Lewis
Smith, Francis 
Smith, John
Smith, Kenneth
Smyers, Daniel
Snyder, Elwyn
Snyder, Ralph
Soule, Basil
Soule, Gile
Soule, Kevin Ward
Soule, Kenneth W.
Stermer, George
Stevens, Chester
Stevens, George
Stoddard, Ivan
Stone, Kenneth
Swan, Donald
Tetor, Willard
Totten, Danny
Turner, Ernest
Van Cise, Omar
Van Cise, Stanley
Van Dyne, Bic 
Van Etten, Omar
Van Etten,William
Walch, Donald
Ward, Lyndon  Mayer
Ward, Nelson
Warner, Glenn E.
Weale, Dean
Welty, Darrell
Welty, Henry Harvey
Welty, Margaret
Welty, Ralph
Wheeler, Ivan
White, Severn
Williams, William
Willamee, Benjamin
Wilson, Carl
Wilson, Kendall
Wilson, William
Wood, Richard  O.

I compiled these names from various sources in 2007 for the monument dedication . It has not been up dated since then -although I know there are several burials in the local cemeteries since then . On my to-do list to note them.

Remember to salute your Veteran for his or her service to our country




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