How Times Change

                                           Lindley Town Hall -Post Office and Grange Hall -1898-1972
   Was built in 1898 along with the iron bridge (shown in first photo) after the major flood of 1889 destroyed many buildings ,etc  in this area.
   Records from Steuben County Legislators' Reports show town officials receiving permission for bonds to pay for the bridge. It took several years to pay for it.. 
    The first Post Office was in Judge Eleazer Lindsley, Jr.'s home. He served as the first  Postmaster and letters were addressed to Lindleytown, New York State.
     Old histories report that when Col.Lindsley was elected to the New York  Legislature in 1792, Post Offices were few and far between -the main one in New York City. The Colonel was alerted by a friend of the availability of a position in the NYS Legislature. Since there was no media as known today, most voters in the Ontario County District (which Lindley was still a part of in 1792)  were unaware of the election and learned that the  Colonel had been  elected after it was all over!!!!
As I read the old histories, I have learned the Colonel was more than just the Founder of Lindsleytown.
More another day..


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