April Lindley-Presho Historical Society Meeting -April 23rd.

The April meeting for the Lindley –Presho Historical Society meeting will be held on
Thursday April 23rd –7 P.M at the Town Hall.
Since Lindley will celebrate it’s 225th birthday in June, several events are being planned and discussed at this meeting .
The first will Armed Forces Day on Sunday May 17th at 2 P.M. to honor our Veterans
The Tioga Pa.Honor Guard will conduct a ceremony honoring all branches of  military service. This will be the 7th year of their helping us honor our local veterans.
The Woodhull Community Band will be here to play Patriotic music.
For lunch before the ceremony –the Lindley-Presho Firemen are having their annual Chicken Bar B-Q    Noon- til
Refreshments will be served following the ceremony and hopefully some of Lindley’s bakers will help furnish cookies,etc.
Brenda Criss will make her famous punch and as speaker  will talk about one of Lindley’s first settlers --- David Cook-Revolutionary War soldier. 
The Town Board has named Brenda Criss as Chairman of Old Home Days  to be held sometime in late September/early October to celebrate the 225 years of Lindley’s existence.  Since  Brenda chaired the 1990 - 200 year birthday celebration, her experiences  will be helpful in planning  the 225 year celebration .
We hope to keep it simple and less work for all those who would like to participate .
Everyone is welcome to attend and learn the details. The Historical Society has no dues-no officers- We just share local history and  promote community events. 
Kitty  Town Historian

Tioga County ,Penna Honor Guard


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