Changes in Lindley



Built 1898

Trivia  --   A FEW CHANGES IN LINDLEY 1790-2004


Land – Farms-- Homes


1790        Wilderness –First  settlers arrive- Build first log cabins, plant small fields of grain

              Oxen are used to plow fields


1855        Fields are larger –small dairy farms grow apples, grain --- Horses are replacing the oxen for preparing fields--  Homes are changing from log to frame ( boards for homes are being sawed in the many sawmills)


1875        178 farms - add tobacco to the crops – Larger frames houses built.


1972     Less than 12 large dairy farms most of which are located on Rt.15 or on River Road       

             Many owners of small farms now work in factories, or the railroad

            Since 1945 – many people use mobile homes for their houses


2004         1 large dairy farm remains.  Other farmers raise hay, corn and beef cattle to sell .




1790        40 members of the Lindsley family and their slaves

1855    704 people    

1875        1481        2x’s as many people in 20 years         Why??? Tannery Industry started after Civil War (1865) and new families arrived

1960     1313

1980     1831         An increase of  500 people in 20 years

2000     1881         Only 400 more people than 125 years ago   



1790        1 male school teacher who taught all grades, all subjects


1855          Several one room schools with only 1 teacher.  Most students do not attend school beyond the 8th grade. Children walk to school.  Woman teachers are not allowed to marry.


1912     1 room school at Presho adds 2 more rooms. High school students ride the train to  Corning, and live with someone there during the week for about $2.50. Return home for the weekend. 


1920’s-1930’s   9 one room schools with grades 1-8  Within walking distance of most families.

                          Women  teachers are now able to get married and teach.   (Gt. Grandparents)


1933-4     First bus takes students to Painted Post, Corning for grades 9-12       (Grandparents)


1957          One room schools close. Some are torn down. Some are used for homes.

Lindley/Presho School opens with 210 students  (K-6th grade ) and 

            9 teachers.  Few students walk. Grades 7-12 are bussed to Painted Post and
             Corning.                                                                                                                   (Parents)


2004    L/P   176 students (grades K-5th )   6th –12 go to Painted Post , Corning  

            ? teachers   9/10 buses transport most students to L/P           



1790        Ministers travel town to town to preach. Colonel Lindsley holds services at Meeting  House Hill –near Lindsley Burying Ground (Cemetery) located on Route 15.


1800’s  Presho Methodist , Lindley Community  and other churches are built.


2004    3 Churches   Presho Methodist, Lindley Community, East Lindley


Roads and Railroads


1790        Tioga River is used as means of travel.   Native American trails used as roads


 1792    Colonel Williamson hires people from Germany to build a road from NY State

 Route 15 follows some of this old road. Horse and wagons, buggies are used for travel.


1839      First railroad is built from Corning to Pennsylvania      There were 4 depots (Railroad Stations) Arks, rafts carry lumber, grain to markets in Chesapeake Bay, Md


1900        Automobiles are replacing horses and wagons.


1922        Dirt road from Lindley to Presho  is paved.(Concrete)   People use the train to travel.


1940’S-1980’s    Trains no longer carry passengers. All the Railroad Stations are gone. One was  used to build a house. Trains have 50 to 100 cars that carry coal, grain, etc.

  4 lane highway to Presho from Painted Post

2004          Usually only 1 train a week –(no coal)- Carries supplies for business in Penna.




1840’S-1850’s     Farming, sawmills, logging,  blacksmiths, wagon ,barrel makers .Tanneries make leather for shoes, boots, harnesses ,and trunks .Flour mill.  Tenant farmers.


1870’s        Early tractors are used on farms. These will replace horses. Hired men or girls.

                   2 post offices-one in Presho, one in “Lindleytown” (near Lindley bridge)


1930’S        3 or 4 grocery stores supply needs of Lindley people.1 or 2 tourist homes for  travelers. Some Lindley residents now drive to Corning or Painted Post to work   in factories, hospital , on the railroad.   Cheesefactories /Condenseries serve the dairy industry.

 Electric and telephones become popular.


1950’s    Television is introduced to Lindley residents.  New homes are smaller with fewer occupants.


1970’s –1980’s   Computers are new.  Some high school students drive to school.                 


2004               Brownies Mini Mart, Lawrenceville , Corning, Mall  serve shoppers

                      Lindley Woodworks, Smith’s Trailer Sales, Chilson’s Roofing, Demings

                      Garage. Most residents now commute (drive to work in Painted  Post,      Corning )

                      1 post office  -   Cable Television   -       (Video games ,VCR’s DVD’)
The above was compiled in 2004 for a Lindley-Presho  4th grade class that  asked about changes in Lindley.

             Since 2004, a "new" bridge over the Tioga River opened, County Rt.73 was extended to U.S. Rt.15, the Lindley-Presho School closed , all students are bused to Erwin Valley, Painted Post or City of Corning, a gravel pit opened, State Line Camping moved, several homes, businesses and farms were lost or affected by the construction of Interstate I 99, a new bridge spans the Cowanesque River, U.S. Rt. 15 became Steuben County Rt. 115, the Railroad became more active with Pennsylvania gas well business and cell phone towers appeared on the hillsides..

Although not in the Town of Lindley, Walmart came to near-by Gang Mills and a large shopping complex developed that serves Lindley residents.

But the  population of Lindley remains about the same .

 And hopefully, many lives are being saved with the opening of Interstate -99.
            What other changes have occurred in the past 10 years???


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