Lindley-Presho Historical Society Meeting

Lindley -Presho Historical Society Meeting

The Lindley-Presho Historical Society will meet on Sunday- November 16th –at the Lindley Town Hall( next to the Lindley Post Office).from 2-4 P.M.  I will,also, be putting out some items from the Town Historian files.
The program will be Sharing the History of Lindley- which was settled in 1790.
 Stories,photos ,memorabilia  will be shared.  Anyone attending is encouraged to bring photos, other  items of interest pertaining to the town’s history.  The meetings are free-open to the public..   We have no dues-no officers -just a sharing of the history of the town .
Photo courtesy of Dennis Abbey
         Green Shingle Inn  -Lindley Hamlet during I99 construction


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