Photos of Youth Groups

June 1977
From Larry Gorges
     I'm pretty sure I have the names correct, so I'll go ahead and list them below.  Not that it's necessary, but I'll append an (L) or (C) after each name to indicate in which town the player lived.  Include these or not, as you choose.

Front Row, Left-to-Right:  Darrin Horton (C), Davey Scouten (C), Terry Cleveland (C), Andy Gorges (C), Tim Scouten (C), Tim Peck (L), Alan Brant (L).

Back Row, Left-to-Right: Larry Gorges (Coach), Rich Cleveland (C), Ethan Thistle (L), Scott Van Etten (C), Jamie Brant (L), Bobby Clarkson (L), Bob Clarkson (Manager).

Hope this helps,
Larry Gorges

Thanks, Larry for tracking down all these names.

                               Lindley Little League Teams


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