Lindley School District #8 Pettigrove

  This school stood at  the intersection of Ryers Creek/ (Pettigrove /Mulholland) and Welty Hill Roads. The foundation among some trees and brush is all that remains.
In a conversation with the late Doris Warner, she stated that when the  Schoonover home not far from the school house burned, she and Mabel Porter hung sheets on wires inside the school building and found furniture so that the Schoonover family had a place to live. She did not mention a date, but apparently the school had been closed by this time.
In looking for information on this school in the files, I located names of the students shown in the photo of the Stowell Hill School -
(Post 4-13-2014 ) and have added them to that Post.
I,also, found a photo of some East Lindley school students. The picture is fuzzy, but names are legible. (Post 3-24-2014)
Both of these photos are in the Town Hall School Display.
Copies or original photos of students from the Lindley Schools are always welcome.  IF indicated -the original will be scanned and returned to the owner.( Please include name and return address ). 
 Photos can be sent to the Town of Lindley Historian at 
Lindley Town Hall
637 US 15, PO Box 62
Lindley, NY  14858
Town of Lindley Historian
Catherine M. Pierce


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