Lindley-Presho Fire Department Turns 50 Years Old

On January 7th ,1963, most of the male residents in the Town of Lindley met in the old Town Hall to discuss the formation of a Fire Department in the town. When I became Town Historian, I learned from Verna  Austin  that her husband, Adrian(owner of one of the grocery stores)  and another local resident Richard Stowell -  owner of a local Insurance Agency  were instrumental in organizing the meeting. Enough interest was shown that weekly meetings were held and by the middle of April that same year, officers were elected and a Charter obtained. 
Ladies of the town formed an Auxiliary, fund raisers were held and by October of 1963, local residents were putting a roof on the Fire Department's cinder block building on Tannery Creek Road. It is still home to the Department  today.

 All members are unpaid volunteers who respond to many emergencies. The latest being the fire that destroyed the Lindley Highway Department's Garage and the equipment stored there on Saturday January 5, 2013.( My attempt to copy a short newspaper article in today's Elmira's Star Gazette  about the fire  didn't work-but is on line to read. )
  Many times over the past 50 years,these volunteers have served their town in all kinds of weather, emergencies and conditions.   We probably don't say  Thank You  often enough but your services to  the community are appreciated.
Thank you ..


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