Contract Let for Erwin Road 1921

From Newspaper Archives  Green Library ,Wellsboro, Pa.
Wellsboro Agitator 1921-07-20
"Hudson Falls Builder Will Construct Four- Mile Stretch for $184,889
         The New York State Highway Department has awarded the contract for the construction of the Erwin -Lindley
concrete road to run 3.95 miles from the 'half-way house"on the Addison Road towards Lindley to William L.Sherill, of Hudson Falls at $184,889. This is part of the Erwin-Lawrenceville Road which ,when completed, will connect New York's Southern Tier Highway with Pennsylvania's Susquehanna Trail.
      The second and final part of the road,also four miles in length ,will be built next season.
( 3 other Steuben County Highway contracts were listed)  Commissioner Sisson has ordered work started on the four contracts as soon as possible."  
           In checking the Archives from about 1920 to 1923, it was obvious that history repeats. There were numerous articles in the Agitator during the early 1920's  about the proposed construction of the highway from Erwin to Lawrenceville. Some of the same problems experienced for the proposed I 99 Corridor from 1997 to present, were the same problems in the 1920's. If you are curious and have time, it is enlightening to read the Archive articles. I seem to recall an old saying -"Roads (Rome was not) are not built in a day."
           The last 4 miles of the concrete highway which followed the Tioga River from the "Narrows" through the Lindley Hamlet was completed in 1923. In 1953, a portion of the road from just North of Stowell Hill to Lawrenceville,Pa was re-located to the west away from the river to avoid the frequent flooding. The old highway is now called " Lindley Road. With any luck, 2013, will see the opening of I99-  90 years after the first paving of the Erwin-Lawrenceville Road with concrete. ( In Lindley , U.S. Rt.15 will become Steuben County 115 ) (Another section of the road built by Colonel Williamson and the German immigrants  in 1792 will be difficult to locate.)
Photo 1920's Autos at Lindley Narrows      ( From Durland Weale)


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