
Hope Lindley residents will brave the snow showers tomorrow evening - Thursday October 27th 7 P.M. Lindley Town Hall and come out to meet the folks who are running for the Lindley Town offices on November 8th. This not a debate but a chance to actually see the people who are running. Without a school, grocery store or - -even the old Grange as in the "Good Old Days ", our days of knowing the candidates who are running for office have disappeared. Therefore, the L/P Historical Society invites the residents to meet and greet the 9 people who have agreed to introduce themselves to the local voters. Their talks will be brief and the audience will have a chance to ask a few questions after all the candidates have said their few words.
Please join us and meet the people who wish to be your local government representatives.
Hope to see many of you there . Some tasty goodies might even be served.

PS - In a few years, this will the view of the Lindley Hamlet from I99. How it will have changed!!!


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