Lindley Memorial Park

Thanks to donations and proceeds from Old Home Day, a second bench has been purchased for the Lindley Town Hall lawn. "Once weather permits", the new bench will be located on the Post Office side of the lawn. A list of all who helped make this possible has been posted on the bulletin board by the Town Clerk's Office.

Again,--Thank You-- Everyone (I hope no-one's name was missed).

In conjunction with this, the Lindley Town Board has passed a resolution making the lawn a Memorial Park. Also,enough money was raised that a special fund to be used for future beautification needs of the lawn has been established by the Board.

You may have noted that the Memorial Chair for Ammon Titus formerly located at the Lindley-Presho School has been relocated to the Town Hall . Ammon served in various offices of the Town of Lindley for 40 some years; so it seemed appropriate to move the chair to the Memorial Park when the school closed.

Bic Van Duyne and Joe Connelly were enjoying the view from the present bench at the 2010 Armed Forces Day Salute to Lindley Veterans . Someday, without all the Rt.15 traffic , the benches will provide a pleasant place to enjoy the beautiful Lindley scene.


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