Looking for Lindley Photos

I am wondering if anyone has a picture of the cheese factory mentioned in Dick Riffle's latest story. It would be about the same place as the present truck terminal on south corner of Morgan Creek Road and Lindley Road.

During WWII ,there was an Honor Roll with names of Lindley's servicemen(perhaps women,too) in about this same location. June( Ball )Neally remembered her Father-- Herman Ball painting it. If anyone has a picture of the Honor Roll, I would like to add it to the collection of pictures of Lindley servicemen now on display in the Lindley Town Hall.

Be sure to check out all the pictures in the Town Hall Lobby and Meeting Room. The collection continues to grow.

By clicking on my profile on this page, you will find my e-mail address listed.

Catherine (Kitty )Pierce Lindley Historian


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