Brigadier General John Taylor - (2nd Husband of Mary Miller Lindsley)
20 October 2012 – Bath NY Delivered by Timothy F. Taylor, at his great x 4 grandfather’s, Brigadier General John Taylor, memorial service. Impact of research – formation of team, re-establishment of ties to lost branches of the family. One of the first documents that the team discovered was a note in the Bath Historian’s office detailing some of the History of General John Taylor and his family. In that note it states that John Taylor started as a private in the Militia. Although we have not found any of his Militia Records prior to 1775, we have found that on October 28 th of 1775 he was promoted to 2 nd Major of the 4 th Hunterdon Regiment of the New Jersey Militia. Revolutionary War Pension Applications detail some of his unit’s accomplishments, one of which tells of a detail from Major John Taylor’s command that was sent to patrol the Delaware River in December of 1776. That detail was under the command of Lt. Daniel Bray and they coll...