
Showing posts from December, 2013

Happy New Year January 2013

2014  Greetings Happy New Year Another old postcard

Lindley Highway Garage Progress 1-5-2013 to 1-23-2013

  Jan 5,2013 Awaiting delivery of building material on 12-20-2013                                         Building material arrives-                                               construction starts Good weather assists in construction     Rebuilding the Lindley Highway Garage after the devastating fire on 1-5-2013 in  less than a year has been a challenge -so hats off to Marc Stocum and his highway crew; Jerry Simcoe, Town  Supervisor ; members of the Town Board and the Jones Construc...

Merry Christmas and a Happy 2014 New Year

Holiday 2013 Greetings From an old postcard

Comforts from Home for Civil War Soldiers -1861--(152 Years Ago)

Corning, NY Civil War Monument  November 11,2011 (Note:Camera date is a little ahead of the time) LITTLE COMFORTS FOR THE ARMY         Nothing makes a more refreshing and palatable drink for the sick than grape jelly and water.    At this season, when grapes are so abundant and so cheap, would it not be well for those who wish to add to the comforts of our military hospitals, to make a supply? The following is a recipe -       Wash the grapes thoroughly in cold water, separate them from the stems, and mash them  in an earthen vessel with a potato masher.     Then put them over a fire, and boil them twenty minutes. Strain them through a bag made of three thicknesses of white mosquito netting; to every pint of juice add one and a quarter pounds of sugar, and boil twenty minutes. Put in pint jars -china is the strongest; paste white paper over the top, then tie a piece of stro...

Before the Days of Antibiotics, Etc.

Clippings from Moore's Rural New Yorker- 1861 Ladies' Department  SORE THROAT, CURE FOR CROUP,ETC. Eds.  Rural New Yorker : As I have a few recipes which have been tried and pronounced good, I send them to you for publication.   REMEDY  FOR SORE THROAT- Take butter that is very salt and rub it on the throat and chest thoroughly, before going to bed. Two or three applications will effect a cure. We have had the throat distemper about pretty extensively this fall, and this has been the principal medicine.   TO CURE THE CROUP. The best way is to take a flannel cloth, dip it in water and put on the chest as hot as can be bourne, then take salt butter, spread on brown paper, and apply immediately. It is a very simple ,but invaluable remedy. APPLE PUDDING Line a basin with a crust prepared as for a biscuit ; pare,core, and quarter as many apples as will fill the basin; sprinkle some allspice over them, a little sugar, and a half cup of water.  Cov...

Rutty Passmore Newsletter Story -- April 4, 1940

                                         As mentioned previously in articles about Lindley floods in the 1940, Rutty was confined to his home due to health problems, and published a local newspaper. He resided on Morgan Creek Road and Mr. Ayres mentioned was his neighbor.   AN  INTERESTING COMPARISON OF TWO CONSECUTIVE WEEKS  This weekend just past saw a series of three stages of high water; the week before however was a vastly different. Allow us to show the comparison. Last week ,Mr. William R. Ayres went into northern part of the state and returned on Tuesday. We at the time asked him to write a short article on what he saw. However, it was not ready for last week's edition and we now find that it works out as well a week late as it gives an interes...