
Showing posts from October, 2012

October 2012 L/P Historical Society Meeting

 Herrick Bridge -River Road, Lindley,N.Y.  - 1972  Flood         The program for the October 2012  L/P Historical Society Meeting will be  Thursday October 25, 2012   7 P.M. at the Lindley Town Hall  U.S. Rt.15.   The 1992 WETM Video " And the Rain Kept Falling "  narrated by the late Carl Proper and others will be shown. The film marked the 20th Anniversary of the June 1972 Flood that resulted from Hurricaine Agnes.           The meeting is free and the public is invited to attend.  

Lindley Connections

Bath, N.Y. — Oct.21,2012     The following article written by Mary Pelham in the Oct.21st Edition of the Leader  has a Lindley connection not mentioned in the article.** (  It is impossible in such articles to mention all the life history of such a person as General Taylor )     ** A little known fact is after General Taylor's first wife died, he married Mary (Miller) Lindsley -widow of Col. Eleazer Lindsley who had died in 1794. Col.Lindsley was the founder of the present Town of Lindley,N.Y. in1790.         In the deeds in the Steuben County Clerk's Office, are records showing that  in 1805 -General Taylor purchased some of the Lindsley property-including the lot where Col.Lindsley has built the first mill in this area in 1790. This, also, included a sawmill in the same area on what is now Watson Creek in Lindley.       On Thursday, Oct.18th,...

1896 Lindley History Facts

         It is interesting how a question about local history can become an interesting research project. In response to query about the date that the Harrison Hotel located near the Lawrenceville RR Depot burned, I began checking the Newspaper Archives of the Green Library in Wellsboro, Penna which are on- line. Previously, I have discovered that these old newspapers have a wealth of information about the Lindley,NY/Lawrenceville,PA area.          Not only am I finding a story about the Cowanesque/Harrison/ Park Hotel, but many other interesting facts and stories. I have chosen this one because it describes how busy the Depot area was on June 24,1896 -- courtesy of the Wellsboro Agitator.          " Mr. W. E. Brown is doing an extensive business at Lawrenceville in the manufacture of barrel -headings and staves for nail -kegs. His factory is near th...