
Showing posts from July, 2011


Condolences to the Divens, Naylor, Wagner, and Herrick Families. The angels are always near those that are grieving. To whisper to them that their loved ones are safe in the hand of God. ~~Little Angels Instruction Book E.E. Freeman Brenda Divens Naylor Elizabeth S. Wagner

A sampling of the Veteran's Graves Fairview Cemetery

Above is a sampling of photos of some of the Veteran's graves in Lindley's Fairview Cemetery. While Tom Loughridge and Dick Pierce located the graves and placed flags by the gravestones, I took photos of the gravestones for the Town Historian's files. Fortunately, Tom who had undertaken the task of placing the flags in recent years had made a map of known Veteran's graves. This made the task somewhat easier,but the writing on many of the older stones is becoming more difficult to read each year. Some of the known Civil War Veteran's graves were not located. Hopefully,by cross referencing the Fairview Cemetery records with the the list of Lindley men who served in the Civil War, some graves will be located. Others are known to be buried in Presho Cemetery, Powers Cemetery in Lawrenceville- perhaps other nearby cemeteries . Undoubtedly, many moved away. Tom deserves a lot of credit for the time and effort that he has put into honoring the Veteran's by placing flag...

Dick Riffle Stories # XI

For the past several years, I have been posting stories as told by Dick Riffle. Dick who lives in the State of Washington was 93 in May and is writing his memoirs . Not sure, but he may be the oldest living member of the local Riffle family. He still writes interesting E-mails and loves to share stories about growing up in Lindley. Sometime during the month of July, the Riffle family holds a reunion. The following is one of Dick's stories as he wrote about the families living on Morgan Creek and the present River Road . If the Riffle family members haven't heard this story, I hope they get a chuckle or two from it. - (Kitty) Next was the home of Jerome and Alace (Romane) Riffle ,my Grandparents. After their decease in the 1920's , the home belonged to their daughter Grace and husband Judd Kennedy. They had several children, Jud,Jr. ,Geraldine, Kathryn and twin girls-Madeline and Margaret who were a couple years younger than me. Aunt Grace was a very hospitable lady and many...