
Showing posts from November, 2009

Lindley Senior Citizens -Thanksgiving Dinner

The Lindley Senior Citizens met at Rotsell's Snack Shop(formerly Patty T's) in Lawrenceville,Pa for their annual Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday -November 19th. During the lunch , Tom Rotsell -owner announced that he will be expanding his business at this location after the first of the year. "What goes round-comes round-" This is in close proximity to where Tom operated his first restaurant in Lawrenceville ,Pennsylvania previously.

1946 Flood Photos

Janice (Whitaker) Smith attended the L/P Historical Society meeting Thursday evening and shared these photos with the group. (Thanks,Janice -they have been added to the Lindley bridge files.) With the flood control dams,it is a good feeling to know that these scenes should be a thing of the past. Both the Whitakers and Austins experienced flooding in their stores shortly after purchasing them. The Whitakers in 1946, the Austins in 1950/51. After the 1950/51 flood, the Austins moved their store to the porch of the home next door. In 1955, they relocated to the present U.S. Rt.15. The Whitaker family had closed their business prior to the flood of 1972 which damaged the building to the extent that it had to be demolished. Today- the west end approach to the new 2 lane bridge is located where the Whitaker store stood. The Morgan Creek /old Lindley Roads are experiencng many changes - as they say "even as we speak"

Historian's Open House Reminder

The Lindley Town Hall will be open 1 to 4 Sunday November 22nd,2009 for the Historian's Open House. Books,photos and other items from Historian's files will be available for viewing and for research . The public is invited to attend.

Town of Lindley Blog

Megan Thistle ,Lindley Town Clerk, has resume posting the latest information from the Lindley Town Hall on the Lindley Blog. Learn what is new by clicking on Town of Lindley under Favorites at the end of this page .

Lindley Hamlet gets first 2 lane bridge.

A hamlet is described as a small village -of which the Town of Lindley has two - Lindley and Presho. When the 1946 flood destroyed the bridge in Presho,a two lane bridge was built in that end of town. However for reasons unknown , when a new bridge was built in the hamlet of Lindley in 1989-90 , a one lane bridge was built to replace the 1898 one lane iron bridge(see previous post for postcard picture). Finally,it dawned on someone that when the 1989 -90 bridge was to be replaced,it should be two lanes. So today -11/17/2009 219 years after Colonel Lindsley settled here, the hamlet of Lindley can boast of its first 2 lane bridge-and it is a beauty. Congratulations to all who worked so hard to make this possible. As part of the project,the 1898 plaque from the old iron bridge which had been saved is now mounted on posts in the parking area next to the new bridge. Without the help of Jerry Simcoe,Supervisor who voluntarily spent hours removing all the coats of old paint and making the edg...

Lindley Bridge Ribbon Cutting Scheduled

After long months of a detour,the Lindley bridge is scheduled to open Tuesday November 17th. There will be a ribbon cutting ceremony at 1P.M. after which the bridge will be open. If all goes as planned,thanks to the efforts of Supervisor Gerald Simcoe,Larry Orr,Bill Reynolds,Dick Pierce,Don Freeland, Ed Howe, the construction crew and (others I may miss naming,) a small bit of Lindley history will be visible. On Thursday November 19th at 7 P.M, the L/P Historical Society will meet at the Lindley Town Hall. The program will be a brief history of the Lindley bridges. The public as usual is invited to attend. On Sunday November 22nd, from 1-4 P.M. at the Lindley Town Hall on U.S.Rt.15 there will be an Open House for the Lindley Historian. Records and files will be available for viewing and for research.

General John E. Mulford

As the Town Historian, I am always curious about the families of our earliest settlers. As a result,I sometimes uncover little known facts about these people and their descendants. Such is the case of General John E.Mulford who was the grandson of Dr. Ezekiel and his wife Nancy (Lindsley) Mulford and the Gt.Grandson of Colonel Eleazer Lindsley (founder of Lindley.) Recently,the Leader had a small advertisement stating that the home of General Mulford was for sale in the Watkins area. A call to the real estate agent-(Ed Atwell)resulted in his sending photos of the house and the question-"did I know anyone who might be interested in buying the home." My question was "Who was General Mulford?" A little genealogical research and googling revealed an interesting story. According to Uri Mulford-(another descendant)who wrote a Mulford genealogy "Colonial Ancestors and Descendants" ," General Mulford was the son of Castilla (commonly known as the Major) and S...

Remember to vote November 3rd.

Tuesday November 3rd is a local election day. Be sure to exercise your right to vote for the person of your choice. Polls will be open from 6AM to 9 PM at the Lindley Town Hall on U.S. Rt. 15. While there,check out the new bench purchased from donations to the Veteran's Monument Fund and from the Lindley Town Board . The bench was made by the Amish from recycled material such as used in deck materials. It is maintenance free. In the spring, it will be placed on the lawn in front of the Town Hall . A big thanks to all who supported and donated to the Monument Fund and to the Lindley Town Board members for their assistance and co-operation in this project. And a big thank you to all the members of the Military of Lindley-past and present who help preserve our freedoms. Note- Bench color is lighter than shown in photo. Good news -Thomas Overdurf-son of Tracy who administers this blog is home from undergoing extensive surgery in Rochester. A note of cheer to this courage...